Sunday, August 21, 2011

Altimeter watch - skydiving equipment necessary

While most of the first paratroopers to be careful of a parachute and a good jump suit to meet with a good helmet and goggles, many do not know quite as much thought to other devices and accessories. For example, if you look on the wrist of a skydiver experienced, it is likely that an altimeter watch. This instrument measures the height above sea level air pressure (changes in air pressure in the atmosphere).

All altimeter to either the sport of skydiving or usedthe aircraft itself, are calibrated on the basis of international standard atmosphere. The balance allows pilots, parachutists and skydivers close estimate. There are variations around the world, considering the pilots must be taken long distances, but the parachutist can be very accurate with an altimeter watch one of many reliable companies in the industry.

Casio Dive Watch

Altimeter Setting the clock

Are used for skydiving altimeter must be set correctlylocal numbers of atmospheric pressure. Once done, the paratroopers and the jump master to ensure that all actions taken during the step of jumping to the correct height. Parachute free fall time is critical. This is for the true enjoyment of minutes, the paratroopers. A well done, accurate altimeter watch will ensure that the timing is perfect as close as possible. Some new and more advanced audible altimeter sound every so often so that divers know the rightHeight.

What is possible?

Manufacturers of altimeter watch companies such as Timex, Casio and Nike, but the paratroopers who want to see on the excellent products HighGear, Graf Zeppelin and Nixon as well. The first time buyer of an altimeter watch you may want to speak with an experienced skydiver jumping or skydiving center of the school to get some good recommendations on the altimeter for the sport. These experts discuss the advantages and lay in a positionthe key element of altitude on the basis of personal experience.

Prices vary widely, depending on the characteristics of the altimeter watch, the size of the face and contain various other factors. For example, Timex began a product that will work well in about $ 70. Terra Technology HighGear Summit altimeter watch with 2 "diameter face costs of about $ 90. At the other end of the spectrum is the Graf Zeppelin altimeter watch (stainless steel and titanium) with a price of $ 400. One theNixon products is in the middle, at about $ 200 to $ 250

No matter what altimeter watch, first choose the buyer, the purchase must be made with as much information as possible on hand.

Altimeter watch - skydiving equipment necessary

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