Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Swimming With the Big Sharks: Glamorous Underwater Photographs

Taking spectacular and vibrant underwater photos is all about technique. The more practiced the technique, and the steadier the hand, the great the results of the pictures. The likelihood of being able to use a tripod to take a still shot underwater is unlikely, regardless of your digital Slr, if not for the fact that the underwater waves will knock your tripod over. This requires an incredibly steady hand, and Buddha like patience. However, if your desire to capture the exquisite underwater snapshots is strong enough, you can accomplish even this tricky feat. With the right skill you can take exquisite underwater photos without the use of a fish lens, get it, a fish lens? Anyhow, I digress.

The first inquire that every person asks is, "What equipment will I need to capture the exquisite underwater digital photo?" The simplest way to furnish high potential underwater photos without risk to your camera is to use a waterproof camera, preferably a waterproof digital Slr or Dslr. Should a waterproof digital camera not be at your disposal, then a waterproof digital camera case should be added to your pro case kit. Choose the spoton case to fit your camera so that your camera does not slide around when you are taking the picture, or be subject to damage from a leak. Add your lens on to your camera prior to taking measurements to resolve the write case wrap, otherwise your zoom potential may be limited. Canon, Nokia, and Panasonic make some spectacular and versatile lenses that can be used in any environment.

Casio Ocean

Next, learn the environment and the ecology of the area where you plan on taking your underwater digital photos. Are there any endangered species of fish or coral that you must avoid in order to preclude damage to the underwater environment? What about laws preventing flash photography of exact types of underwater wildlife?

Photographers must be aware of any danger that the local wildlife poses as well, together with any type of poisonous sea creature, or violent shark. Check the weather and rip tide reports before entering the water as well. The last thing that any photographer wants is to enter a perilous situation such as getting caught in a rip tide, or being stranded out to sea while a lightning storm.

Now that you are aware of your environment, it is time to pick the spoton lens for your underwater adventure. Underwater photographers rave about the Nikon lens 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G Ed Ii lens. pro underwater photographers recommend that a diopter, of +2 or +3 is useful in taking ultra clear digital Slr photos when the subject is a meter or less away. Keep multiple lenses and diopters in your pro case kit, and be ready to exit the water to convert them out if the setup that you Choose is not working well.

To capture fast enthralling animals, such as fish or dolphins set your camera to a very high shutter speed so that you can frost their petition without creating a blur effect. Ideally your shutter speed should be 1/125th or higher. Slightly slower animals, such as crabs, or sea anemone's enthralling moderately to the drift of the underwater waves can be captured at at a range of almost 1/30th to 1/100th. Ranges under 1/30th should be avoided unless the photographer is attempting to create a blurred affect.

Using a strobe when snapping underwater scenes can be very beneficial. Light sources can fast vary as a deeper depth is reached, and what worked well for taking photographs using the surface light, will no longer suffice. Strobes vary in price and capability. Nikon has one of the top rated strobe products. Make sure that you purchase a strobe that works well with your cameras settings particularly if you are using a digital Slr from Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Casio, Sony, or Olympus. The constructor can recommend the best strobe for your single brand, make, and model of camera to ensure that you attain the best possible photos.

Consider using a digital camcorder with a high megapixel count that can be adjusted to take pictures in any light. Some Slr digital cameras consist of a feature for taking high resolution digital videos. A more constant light may be required to film underwater activity, so make sure to pack on in increasing to your strobe.

Keep a keen eye out for beautiful underwater rock formations, vibrantly colored fish, or packs of crabs; point, set, and click. It is easily that simple. convert the shutter speed usually to get different types of pictures, and try rapidly snapping as many photos as possible of enthralling objects in order to get the best possible shot.

Remember that photography is about the adventure, capturing the world around in in a split second in a way that no other medium can. The key to use your creativity, and imagination, and if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Swimming With the Big Sharks: Glamorous Underwater Photographs

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